Inspire Future Generations
Degrees & Certificates

Child Development and Early Childhood
Early Childhood Education, Assistant, Teacher, Master, Site Supervisor Teacher and Program DirectorChild Development and Early Childhood Development programs offer coursework in child and adolescent development and early childhood education, all with a focus on families and the community.
Child and Adolescent Development
The program teaches students to embrace a practitioner-scholar model that inspires
and supports the development of knowledge, skills, and dispositions essential to fostering
healthy growth and learning of children and families in a diverse society, including
leadership and advocacy, for children up to age eighteen.
Child Development
Students who seek a career working with children, families, and communities should
enroll in this program of study, which emphasizes the integration of theory, research,
and practice from multiple disciplines. It is a unique blend of family studies, community
services, early and elementary education, parenting, and child nutrition, with a focus
on birth through adolescence.
Early Childhood Education
The field of early care and education is a dynamic and growing area of study for students
who seek to work with young children up to age eight. Students who complete this degree
will achieve competency in promoting child development and learning, building family
and community relationships, implementing developmentally appropriate curricula while
learning about child assessment systems, teaching in a diverse society, and becoming
a lifelong learner.
Family Studies
Students who earn a certificate in Child and Family studies develop skills that are
valued by employers. Certificate holders may begin careers as assistant health educators,
early intervention/special education assistants, family service workers, family advocates,
family support specialists, home visitors, parent educators/trainers, social services
caseworkers, strengthening families trainers, youth workers, and other services providers
for community agencies that serve children, families, and communities.

Instructional Aid, Teacher’s AssistantStudents who pursue a certificate in Para Education will develop skills that are valued by employers. The program increases the students’ knowledge about typical and atypical development patterns in children. As a result of the program, students will develop the ability to provide instructional supports using individualized educational plans for diverse learners. Certificate holders may begin careers as Para Educators, Para Professionals, Teacher Assistants, or Teacher Aids in the TK-12 schools.

Elementary Education
Elementary School Teachers, TK-12Students who seek to become teachers in primary, secondary, bilingual, or special education will find this to be an ideal educational program. This pathway focuses on building the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that prepare professionals to work with children grades TK to twelve. In this program, students will learn how to promote healthy development and learning in individually, culturally, and linguistically responsive ways, and will complete their first two years of a four-year degree.

Liberal Studies
Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Arts, Language and SciencesThis program is the lower division pathway for students seeking transfer to CSU, Chico's
BA in Liberal Studies. Students seeking to transfer to a different CSU, not CSU, Chico,
should follow the AA-T Elementary Teacher Education pathway. The Liberal Studies pathway
is an interdisciplinary majoring consisting of courses drawn from humanities, social
sciences, mathematics, arts, language, and sciences.
Students in the program will receive a well-rounded education preparing them for careers
as elementary school teachers; however, the major is also appropriate for students
who wish to have an interdisciplinary studies degree.
The Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) is an accelerated pathway option that integrates the AA degree in Liberal Studies, the Bachelor's degree in Liberal Studies, and a teaching credential in four years. This accelerated pathway is designed for individuals who already know they want to become a teacher. It requires concurrent enrollment in both CSU Chico courses while also attending Butte and may include summer course work. To learn more about the ITEP option speak with a counselor.
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Contact Us
Career Education
AHPS 251
3536 Butte Campus Drive
Oroville, CA 95965
Content Editor:
Melisse Boyd